Sunday, September 25, 2005

"The Cindy Sheehan All Stars" - Bill O'Reilly was invited to attend this rally, but he respectfully declined

Rev. Jesse Jackson, (left), Rev. Al Sharpton (right) War Mother Cindy Sheehan (center)

But where were the "usual DEMOCRATIC suspects"?


BUT! Rev. Jesse, Rev. Al and head of the NAACP Julian Bond (in the back row) were there!

The Democrats did not show up in support of Ms. Hillary, 2008 (smile)

but Cindy will go on (below) radically de riguer LEFT:

Open Media Publishes Cindy Sheehan's First Title, 'Dear President Bush' Today to Celebrate Antiwar Movement's Sept. 24 Rally on Washington

Fri Sep 23, 4:47 PM ET

To: National Desk

Contact: Greg Ruggiero, 718-614-6042

WASHINGTON, Sept. 23 /U.S. Newswire/ -- Cindy Sheehan is in Washington, D.C., this weekend with thousands of other moms and citizens to protest the war in Iraq' and to release her first published work, "Dear President Bush' published by Open Media in collaboration with Essential Information.

Five days after Cindy's oldest son Casey arrived in Iraq, he was killed in an ambush. Now she wants answers to some really basic questions, starting with this: For what "noble cause" is the U.S. waging war in Iraq?

When Cindy camped outside President Bush's Crawford, Texas, home last month to protest the war, she not only succeeded in putting Iraq back into national debate, she started the Camp Casey antiwar movement.

Cindy signed up with Open Media to do two editions of "Dear President Bush." The first edition, released today, is a staple- bound pamphlet distributed by AK distribution. The second edition, a longer text to be published in book format, will be released next month.

In 1991, Greg Ruggiero co-founded the Open Media publishing operation in Westfield, New Jersey in opposition to Gulf War. The first title in the series, "On U.S. Gulf Policy" by Noam Chomsky, hit national and local bestseller lists.

On Sept. 12, Ruggiero traveled with Cindy Sheehan from NYC to Westfield. An edited version of their conversation is the text of the pamphlet edition of "Dear President Bush." In it, Cindy shares her journey from private grief and despair, to public action and nonviolent civil disobedience. Inspired by Martin Luther King, Jr., Henry David Thoreau, and Mahatma Ghandi, "Dear President Bush" traces Cindy's arc from being the mother of a fallen solider, to the mother of a falling nation.

Book Details:
"Dear President Bush," By Cindy Sheehan, First edition, Cover: $5.95, Trim: 4.25 x 11, Format: stapled pamphlet, Pages: 24, ISBN: 1-884519-32-6, Foreign rights: Anthony Arnove,, 212-366-9883

Distributed to organizations by Essential Information,
Distributed to individuals and the trade by AK Distribution, Phone: 510-208-1700,

© 2005 U.S. Newswire 202-347-2770


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