Friday, August 19, 2005

Why do the liberal gays (of AmericaBlog) continue to vilify Jeff Gannon?

An open note to John (temporarily) in Paris of AmericaBlog:

Vilify: To degrade or debase by report; to defame; to traduce; to calumniate.

Ask John Avarosis, ( , about the pulse of America. He is someone who knows. He is one who I admired a great deal for his opinion, energy, and passion about issues. He is also as self-important and has as big an ego as Jeff Gannon's. And he and his posse continue to go after Gannon. Gannon continues to press on, pro-Bush, pro-Rove, pro-Limbaugh, blind as a bat to the what the liberal contigency cares or does. He is no longer playing the victim card. He has a message and he has moved on with it. And it shows. The Washington Blade has given him a column. These are his words. But to John and the AmericaBlog gang, that doesn't matter. John's message is bitter. ALL of us have "the right to say it". Voltaire said that many moons ago. And meant it. But Gannon is a fraud. And so is Dick Morris. Even that famous lib Geraldo has said we should fight the war until we can do no more, just to get it over and done. He may have detractors, too. But he has the right to say it.

When I post on John's threads now, do you know what comes up if you come to my weblink? You go to a place where you can take an at-home paternity test! Nice joke, John. But at least I did not make the mistake of putting naked pictures of my right-wing dark-beer drinking husband and I making passionate love all over the internet, nor have I snapped a pretty buttocks at the Lourve in Gay Paree. That is your department, and Jeffy's respectively. But I digress. This is about YOU. And that you should finally give up your vendetta. Jeff Gannon is Jeff Gannon. He has successfully become a journo to a degree, and you can criticize all you damn want to, as jouno, as lightweight Jayson Blair, as operative, as flunkie, but he has moved on. As you blog, lift, link and separate, you, we, are ALL plagarists under the skin. Just ask Andrew Sullivan, Atrios, Arianna, Mann Coulter and Jack Abramoff, and yes, Abbee the Clown.

And now, for your jealous le jalouise blog, ce la guerre! -- why, you are as bad as hedda VS louella! Give it up! Let's move on and GET KARL! Yet the feud continues! GRRRR - GRRRR - GRRRRR !!



Gay Washington, DC newspaper publishing Jeff Gannon as columnist
by John (temporarily) in Paris - 8/19/2005 12:38:00 PM

The Washington Blade, the increasingly irrelevant print gay
paper in Washington, DC, has apparently now made White House man whore Jeff
Gannon/James Guckert a columnist at the paper.A few weeks ago Guckert wrote a
column for the paper that was, as usual, from another planet (he scolded me for
not being representative of the gay community), and factually incorrect (he said
something weird about my "ties" to North Korea and Cuba). Well, today there's
another "column" for JeffyJim in the paper, so apparently this is now a regular
gig.Which begs a lot of question. First, why the Blade now has what appears to
be a regular column on gays issues from a guy who won't even say if he's gay. I
mean, do we really need to be lectured to about who really represents the gay
community when the lecturer pretends to be a heterosexual, and when most of that
lecturer's writings about gay issues have been favorable to the religious right
point of view? I mean, tolerance is one thing, but since when do we need more
radical right panderers in the gay press?It also begs the question of what the
once-august Blade has now become - just a few months ago the Blade was
publishing articles about Gannon supposedly attending gay sex parties in
Virginia, and now they have him as a columnist? And finally, apparently anyone
can now write for the Blade - even if they have no real background in
journalism, and have been repeatedly accused of plagiarism.I used to like the
Blade, but they've become a shell of what they formerly were, partly from
obsolescence due to the Internet, partly because the straight press has
increasingly covered gay issues anyway, and partly, I think, due to lousy
management. One thing is for sure, if the Blade is going to practice Jerry
Springer journalism by using people like James Guckert as an expert on gay
issues, then I can take my hyperlinks and future ads elsewhere.

NOTE FROM MICHAEL IN NEW YORK: The Blade's email address is I strongly second John's comments -- and not strictly
because of Guckert's politics. I hope the Blade will reconsider because Guckert
has lied repeatedly to the mainstream media about his connection to pornographic
websites, his access to the White House press room, and even something as simple
as whether he was giving interviews to other outlets, among other details. Also,
Guckert has been believably accused of plagiarism (his articles online
disappeared shortly afterwards), he is not openly gay and Guckert provided a
front for a far right activist group and actively promoted anti-gay articles and
ideas. I'm all for a diversity of gay opinion, but why include closeted people
who hate queers and actively work to demonize us?

Comments (84) Permanent Link Español Deutsch Français Italiano Português

(((( You know, the movie about the Man Ho is the fifth biggest grossing film in America. Damn! Man Ho's are so in right now -- so ultra HighViz!! ))))



Anonymous said...


Abbe Buck, PA, PR, PM, OM said...

COMMENTS FROM THE OTHER AMERICABLOG-GERS - Jerry Springer compared to Jeff Gannon - this too is a foul, told to Avarosis by his own bloggers!


Hey John,

I'm with you on the ridiculous Guckert/Gannon/Whoever He Is mess, and the Blade's insanity in hiring him to pontificate. But I object to your use of the phrase "Jerry Springer journalism." I was in my hometown recently, the loathsome Cincinnati Ohio, and got to hear him on his new radio show. He is fantastically on message - very articulate, lefty as hell, manages to field the lunacy of the robust righties back there. "Jerry Springer journalism" is an outmoded term based on his TV show. His new radio gig is as good as anything on Air America. Please revisit this.
Gary Morris | 08.19.05 - 1:11 pm | #

Jerry Springer used to do (and maybe still does) a great commentary at the end of his show, but the rest of his show was (is) utter trash. The worst of the worst. He needs to pick a team and stay on it - trash or value.
John Aravosis | 08.19.05 - 1:14 pm | #

BULLSHIT. Things change. He (Springer) was a deeply liberal politician first and Springer went back to his calling. This is why we are a people. He has the right to say it. You are much too smug, and much too one -sided here, my dear.
Anon | 08.21.05 - 12:14 pm | #

""Jerry Springer journalism" is an outmoded term based on his TV show. His new radio gig is as good as anything on Air America."


I wholeheartedly agree. I listen to Jerry Springer on 940AM here in Fort Lauderdale, and I think he's great. His radio talk show is nothing like his silly circus show was on TV. He's articulate and right on the money and attacks the righties every chance he gets. Springer rocks!
Warren, Fort Lauderdale, FL | 08.20.05 - 11:36 am | #


You see, necessity is the mother of re-invention. So it goes for the goose and the Guckert, Neo-con or not!
Anon | 08.21.05 - 12:12 pm | #
