Saturday, August 20, 2005

Arianna, darling, you must have cocktails with Arthur -- and be sure not to throw one in his face!

...Arianna ponders why, why , why? Judy gets used to prison life and chinese checkers.

BOTTOM LINE: No decision are made, EVER without the blessings of Punch (Arthur Sulzberger, Publisher)

--from Arianna:
"Has anyone making decisions at the Times bothered to connect these dots?“Sulzberger is definitely not a stupid man,” said a source who has dealt with him both professionally and personally. “But he lacks a sense of nuance and modulation -- and is very defensive. So all conflicts become about him. In his eyes, if you attack Judy Miller, you are attacking him.”

"The question is: has the Times learned any lessons from the Howell Raines reign?"


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