Friday, August 26, 2005

Geez, Louise! Pat Boone sez Cindy Sheehan blows weed! Pat needs more HighViz than just dinner theater in Branson!

---you go, old fella! (Pat WHO?) well, he is going for the HighViz-ability factor:

Pat Boone "Rock Legend" (????!) Blasts Sheehan And Protesters
by Joe Gandelman, the Moderate Voice BLOG, COURTESY OF WORLDNETDAILY

If you're one of those who feels grieving mother and anti-war protester catalyst Cindy Sheehan is on the right track then you will SURELY change your mind when you learn that someone who is one of your heroes doesn't like her.World Net Daily trumpets their item with this vital headline: Pat Boone shreds Cindy 'peaceniks'

Music legend says U.S. 'sitting duck' for next 9-11 with message of peace.

But an earlier version apparently referred to him as a "rock legend." They changed it later...apparently after the headline writer became a laughingstock to anyone who knows anything about music...Because if someone refers to PB as a "rock legend," they must have been listening to a different "rock" than I grew up with. And I'm not even a big rock fan. I never realized people rocked out to "Love Letters In The Sand."Or that rock singers in the 50s wore white bucks. [WHITE STRIPES?]

[HISTORY LESSON FROM JOE!] Pat Boone was, on the other hand, a quite talented and solid young singer of "easy listening" style music and something of a teen idol around the time when Elvis emerged. Elvis was a bit more....shall we say...daring and innovative. Boone seemed more influenced by Bing Crosby and Frank Sinatra. Boone's star waned, Elvis' rose. (Wikipedia notes: "Pat Boone (born June 1, 1934) is a singer whose smooth style made him one of the most popular performers of the 1950s and 1960s. His cover versions of rhythm and blues hits had a major impact on the development of the broad popularity of rock and roll....")

I do know that in later years Pat Boone did record this album of rock, which is reportedly played to terrorist prisoners until they confess. Amnesty International is protesting its use.

His quote that will DEFINITELY change your mind is this:

"This lady (Sheehan) and the groups that have been demonstrating in front of the president's ranch in Crawford and following him around are the very same people that were the dropout, turn-on, anti-war peace activists back [in the Vietnam War era]," Boone said. "They still have this crazy notion that by just being peaceful and maybe toking up or something like that – it's like an ostrich with its head in the sand – maybe the danger and the bad guys will go away and leave you alone, which is not gonna happen."

See? All of the demonstrators are people in their 50s and 60s. The large number of ones that look young just have better make up or face lifts. [HEY, JOE!--WATCH IT!]

And perhaps Pat is right: war critics have started likening this war to Vietnam so why not refight the Vietnam War domestically altogether? Paint them all as hippies. Baby boomers are a bit hippy, but mostly around the waist these days. Why not frame this as the Vietnam protesters — putting aside their AARP cards, prune juice cocktails and forgoing the new Rolling Stones' Wheelchair Concert Tour — to jump into the fray for one more anti-war, America-hating battle? Why not charge that it's the hippies of the 60s with their sex, drugs and rock and roll who don't back this war. He also makes an argument that 911s will happen again unless we fight the terrorists on their turf. Only, news reports quoting experts and Pentagon officials recently suggested that Iraq is now their turf because we're there. Pat forgot to mention that report, though.

He also will change your mind on the serious debate about evolution versus "intelligent design" by his thoughtful comments:

"The idea that all of this could have happened mindlessly with no blueprint is sheer stupidity and very unscientific." (EDITOR'S NOTE: We apologize on this blog for using the words "intelligent design" and "Bill Frist" in the same sentence.)

Boone also cited America's founding documents, quoting the Declaration of Independence as he stressed, "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator ... "

I'll bet you never knew those words were in the constitution until Pat Boone told you. So, you see, generations of American politicians have gotten it WRONG all these years.

PS: What is it with the mouths of people named "Pat" this week?



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