Friday, August 26, 2005

Friday Night Cindy Sheehan Blogging - Cindy + Bill Maher, too


Oh, it was just something that just I couldn't .... resist! No cats. No orchids. No ponies. [Take my publicist - please!]

---from Real Time with Bill Maher on HBO:

Bill Maher: If you don't get satisfaction from (President) George Bush, will you go "over his head" to (Veep) Cheney or (Secretary of Defense) Rumsfeld?

Cindy Sheehan: You know what Bill, I have gone over his head. I've gone to the American people. And we employ him, he's our employee."


1 comment:

Abbe Buck, PA, PR, PM, OM said...


Will Bill Maher bring Jeff Gannon back, perhaps as a regular? He was able to hold his own with Bill, but I would like to see Bill get tougher. Although there are no republicans except on the fringes backing him, Jeff is staying true to his neo-con values, despite Rove, Abramoff and Novak (who used his work!) and his website shows an astute writer. I think he is good counterpoint. The left wing gay bloggers like AMERICABLOG are foaming at the mouth! They call him the "man whore", but the man whore has a new client -- the Republican Party!

Thanks, Bill!

Abbe Buck