Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Oh, how I love those Southern Boys - (Psst: I married two of them!) - My crush, Al Gore, who shoulda been prez, gets an Oscar movie nom!

That's just as cool! Hollywood meets Washington again!

I still have the autograph (in gold leaf!) you sent me in 1994, sir!
Tipper forgive me, but your husband ROCKS MY WORLD!


"Al Gore "thrilled" by Oscar Nom"--AP

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1 comment:

Abbe Buck, PA, PR, PM, OM said...

BLOG | Posted 07/13/2006 @ 12:14am
Gore: So Hot Right Now
Sam Graham-Felsen


Who in their right mind thought Al Gore could become a fashion statement?

Yeah, neither did I. But on Boston's uber-chic Newbury Street and in New York's Soho, I've already spotted numerous hipsters sporting Marc Jacobs' new Al Gore fashion line. The recently-released Al Gore t-shirts, tote bags, and trucker hats are now available at all Marc Jacobs retail stores, and they're not even that expensive (at least by Jacobs standards).

My personal favorite is the red "Al, Save Us" tee (click on "special items" to see them). There's also an "Al For President" shirt.

Hipsters aren't the only ones who want him to run. Today AlterNet released the results of its online straw poll in which 13,000 participated. Gore blew away his opponents, with 35 percent of the vote; Feingold was next with 20 percent.

I'm still in the camp that believes Gore is best doing exactly what he's doing, raising hell outside of the Beltway. But there's no denying that his grassroots support is tremendous right now. Even in Soho.