Friday, August 25, 2006

NYT: Anchors weigh in on Katie Couric's imminent arrival, CBS' evening newz

“Katie comes into the job with a good understanding of the anchor-viewer relationship,” Mr. (NBC Evening News Anchor Brian)Williams said, when asked in early August about Ms. Couric in his office at 30 Rockefeller Plaza, not far from the “Today” set. “But evening news viewers are different.”

"When Mr. (Charles) Gibson (of ABC's World News Tonight with Charles Gibson?), was asked — in an interview just before he presented a live report on the British terrorism arrests on Aug. 10 — whether he had any special plans for the broadcast of Sept. 5, he questioned why a reporter was asking about that date.

“I didn’t even know it was Sept. 5 she was starting,” he said, with apparent seriousness. “Her beginning the show is not an event in this newsroom.”

He must be spending his down-time under a rock.

--from the new york times: CBS is all Katie, but Rivals aren't standing by

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