Wednesday, October 12, 2005

WSJ: Plamegate, Why-raq? or, "Dr Strangelove redux -- instead of a bomb, we implode a country to prove a useless point and destroy the world"

Let's put a headline on this, or as the neo cons are saying, gulping, "lipstick on this here pig"

"Report ("Wall Street Journal): Lawyers say focus (investigation) into CIA leak widens to probe - 'broader conspiracy' around Iraq"

In the meantime, "THE 2005 WAR" has become more than a throwaway joke by Jay Leno. Rush Limbaugh received so many e-mails and links from bloggers (like kilroy2005) that THREW UP IN HIS FACE THAT THE SUBWAY TERROR THREAT WAS A HOAX yesterday (10/11) while he wuz on the air, that he ranted for nearly a half an hour snorting and snarling that "the liberals" (sic) were rubbing their hands in glee that the "neo-cons" were falling apart, and kept reminding his loyal flock "Remember 1980!" This is all being staged for the comeback of all comebacks!

We can Remember The Maine, too. And Sinatra winning the oscar back in 1954. But Old Blue Eyes, Teddy Roosevelt and Ronnie are dead, Rush. How long will you be getting stoned on the air, sir?

Ann Coulter knows all about TREASON. Paging Ann Coulter. Call for Ann Coulter!


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