Saturday, September 03, 2005

Anne Rice: "Do you know what it means to LOSE New Orleans?"

"But to my country I want to say this: During this crisis you failed us. You looked down on us; you dismissed our victims; you dismissed us. You want our Jazz Fest, you want our Mardi Gras, you want our cooking and our music. Then when you saw us in real trouble, when you saw a tiny minority preying on the weak among us, you called us "Sin City," and turned your backs.

"Well, we are a lot more than all that. And though we may seem the most exotic, the most atmospheric and, at times, the most downtrodden part of this land, we are still part of it. We are Americans. We are you. "

--from "Do you know what it means to lose New Orleans?"
by Anne Rice, The New York Times
September 4, 2005


1 comment:

Abbe Buck, PA, PR, PM, OM said...

Has anyone see this on DailyKos?

BREAKING: Louisiana sent letter begging Bush for help on 28th
by dumbya
Fri Sep 2nd, 2005 at 19:50:09 PDT 20Request.pdf

This letter was written on Sunday. The GOP is trying to spin that the local and state government hadn't asked for help. Well, now we got the memo that proves that they did indeed ask for help. The President got an urgent appeal by the state of Louisiana urging him to allocate his resources to help the situation. Unfortunately, I guess eating cake and playing the guitar are far more important.