Maureen Dowd: "It isn't only the left that is invoking Vietnam. You know you're in trouble when Henry Kissinger gives you advice on how to exit a war. "Ms. Dowd is not kidding. Vietnam is the new catchphrase for Iraq. Bush has NO EXIT STRATEGY except to say that he estimates four more years for the soldiers to remain. It is no longer the liberals who are up in arms -- it is many a Republican WHO WANT AN EXIT STRATEGY. They are not even sure of their own party line anymore! Rep. Chuck Hagel (R-NE) is beside himself. Oh, pray tell, what is a Neo-Con to do?
And for all of you right-wing zealots who say that one cannot be a mom who supports the soldiers but not a "wag the dog" style war, the acolytes of Cindy Sheehan are still stalking their pray (sic)-- but the praying vigilantes are thinking of switching to Rumsfeld. Run, Donald, Run!
NY Times:
Online Thesaurus Pulls Listing for 'Arab'
Several hours after Roget's Thesaurus was called by The Associated Press, all entries for "Arab" had been pulled from the site.
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