Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Jeff Gannon and company say that Cindy Sheehan has crazed liberal agenda --okay, okay, we know ...

The Grieving Mom's Agenda: Leave Iraq, Impeach Bush, No Tax Payments, Israel Out of Palestine, courtesy of MoveOn.org - but she is getting tired.

CRAWFORD, Texas (AP) - Since a grieving mother started camping out near President Bush's ranch 10 days ago, vowing to remain until he talks to her about the war that killed her son, she says other issues and groups have muddied her mission [MORE].

AND SO, Cindy Sheehan must have the entire MoveOn.org/Fenton Communications/talking points agenda as scripted in her litttle mobile home, and is now their spokesperson-heir-apparent. Jeff Gannon, my favorite neo-con, makes a point though about that. (Enough, already!) And I ask you, what is a real Gold Star Mother? They, as an organziation, like the USO, are apolitical:

"Cindy Sheehan is currently in the news. She and her organization have no connection whatever with American Gold Star Mothers, Inc. We are a 501 C(3) organization and, as such, do not engage in political activities. We do support our troops. After all, they are our


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