Thursday, August 04, 2005

The Hill's Editor: "My Affair with Helen"

Here is a photo of reporter Helen Thomas and President Lyndon Baines Johnson, strolling in Washington, DC, sometime in the late 1960's. If Helen has been here covering the WHO beat for so long, why make her the ongoing joke? Why not just love and respect her work? WHAT IS OUR PROBLEM, WITH THAT, MATT---DRUDGE?

That is what The Hill's Editor Albert Eisele wants to know. (SEE story here) But hey, he wrote the story. He can blame Matt Drudge all that he damn well pleases. But a story quoting Helen Thomas saying that she is going "the sarah bernhardt route" is fodder for DRUDGE, hands down--and millions of us out here live for that stuff, just like buying the New York Graphic in the 1920's! Ah, yes! Nothing sells like gossip, dirt and stupidity, then and now. But those were the days!

Of course, you can also send in your thoughts about Albert & Helen to: I am sending this web log right now!

Samples are found at "Agony Albert" (sigh!)


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