Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Sunday talk-show redux: President speech updates Rumsfeld: Iraq insurgencies may last another 10-12 years. We must prepare for the duration.

Kilroy2005 says: "Rumsfeld could have said it on all of the morning political shows. Meet the Press. Late Edition. Fox News Sunday. Same Message. Over and over again. And the PR Message: 'Screw OSAMA BIN LADEN and the mountain cave he lives in - we fight this one out in Iraq, for as long as it takes'. The President followed up with no new answers. "Adrift" , was how Harry Reid described it.

Where is Robert S. McNamara? Can we get a soundbite in hindsight? Are mistakes being repeated? You, America, decided: 71% of you. But we must prepare for the duration under the current Administration.


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